It's a wonder that this pullover turned out because, 3 inches into the raglan seam, I could see that I was going to run out of yarn. I had just enough to cover my shoulders. When I had an estimated 4 rounds left, I drastically decreased the neckline to make sure that the top of the sweater didn't fall off my shoulders. When I bound off the neckline, I ran out of yarn three stitches to go! Luckily, I hadn't woven in all the tails because I ended up snipping off part of a tail to complete the neckline BO. Whew!
So, the neckline isn't even close to the pattern. Also, the sleeves turned out shorter than expected (very rare for me). But, I'm OK with the end result. It will be nice to wear outside on a cool evening/morning near the end of summer.
Current Projects: Clapotis and The Somewhat Cowl